noun / hyOOmA-hʊd /

: a place to live, develop, connect, and inspire.

: diverse communities with the purpose of discovering new regenerative patterns and enhancing the capacity of place.



: an interconnected, empowered humanity


(1) : state : condition : quality : character

(2) : time : period

(3) : instance of a (specified) state or quality

(4) : individuals sharing a (specified) state or character


We are so glad you are here!

The first HUMAHOOD will be located in Northern Michigan. We are currently searching for the right property in which to take root.

Interested in living in a cooperative community focused on health & wellness?

Member based ownership and decentralized decision making?

Place based wealth creation? Circular economies?

Rent-to-own low impact ecohousing?

Please reach out, we would love to hear from you!

  • If you feel called to contribute, we are seeking catalyst team members for NoMi.HUMAHOOD